The Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management is an educational offering, based on practical foundations, aimed at reducing the distance between learning and profession to enable young people to enter and operate successfully in the largest Italian and multinational business realities. Sponsors and corporate partners contribute to active participation in teaching with testimonials and cases, international contests, study awards for deserving students and mentoring for the implementation of project work. The following are provided: classroom lectures, business games, seminars, testimonials and company visits. Included in the Master's program is a University Postgraduate Course in Retail Management in Barcelona, one of the most global and dynamic cities in terms of the retail scenario. The collaboration with partner companies provides students with the opportunity to carry out first job placement activities, through internships from 4 to 6 months, in the different company areas in Italy and abroad

Anna Claudia

Director of the Master's Program in
Marketing, Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management
and Master's Program in Marketing & Digital Management in the Food Industry
Professor of Strategic Marketing, International Marketing,
Branding and Business Economics and Management
Department of Management - University of Turin

In the Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management the quantitative area finds important space and supports the practical activity of sales organization and strategy. It allows supporting the perception of market changes with a quantitative measure that guides the extent of adaptation of sales policies.
It also makes it possible to match the choice of marketing actions with an appropriate appreciation of the effort--including economic effort--to be profitably allocated to the various initiatives. Special attention is given to the valorization of the feedback that the market provides, studied by identifying and monitoring appropriate quality indicators

Luigi Bollani

Professor of Social Statistics
Department of Economic Social Sciences and Mathematical Statistics
School of Management and Economics - University of Turin

I personally believe that participating in the Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management is more of a life experience than just a training course. The faculty, composed of university professors and business managers, work in close synergy, constantly updating content and propositional methods. The days pass in a succession of feelings that allow the participants to become true protagonists in a scenario that seems more like it belongs to a group of corporate colleagues than to a normal classroom dynamic. our young people know well that team spirit and common goal are the key to learning effectively and acquiring skills so, they work tirelessly. What about the end of the work ? It is never a detachment but the beginning of a journey because the newly "mastered" are welcomed into the CDVM Youth Group where they strengthen their network and begin to take their first steps as "Aspiring Managers

Antonio De Carolis

President CDVM Club of Sales and Marketing Executives
at Industrial Union of Turin

Industrial Union

Today, in Italy, RETAIL MARKETING talks too little. Unfortunately in our country there is still a specific culture of RETAIL MARKETING and only large foreign chains like Ikea, McDonald, to make some significant examples, apply it in a scientific way in its stores.

What is Retail? What does Retail Marketing mean?

RETAIL, literally, retail distribution, is the organization, the apparatus involved in selling products to end customers. RETAIL MARKETING is the subject matter that encompasses point-of-sale oriented marketing strategies and product retailing. Retail companies aim to win customers in order to grow their business. The success of a product's sales is primarily played out at the point of sale. It is at the point of sale that the consumer makes the final decisions for each purchase.
RETAIL MARKETING is the effective tool to achieve RETAIL goals and is based on various knowledge and techniques that must be planned scientifically and precisely. In order to win new customers, increase their visit frequency, increase their spending, and increase their loyalty, there are many aspects to be known and actions to be implemented.

The Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management was ALSO created to give a concrete response to a real market need, to train future RETAIL MANAGERS, high-level professional figures who will have to follow the complex markets of large-scale retail and GDS and able to effectively intervene in strategic and operational decisions on the entire path that leads to customer conquest.

How does the pathway develop and what are the actions to be taken to win the customer?

Starting from specific events and original ideas to push the customer to enter inside the store, you will have to create showcases and areas of effect that will intrigue and invite him to the entrance. You will have to continue stimulating the customer's attention on individual products. But not only that. It will be essential to take care of your shopping experience that will be enjoyable if not even exciting. It will also be essential to stimulate customer loyalty to get it back into the shop for new purchases. Finally, you will have to find a way to trigger a positive word of mouth towards other people.

Employment and professional outlets.

Despite the crisis, the GDO and GDS continue to grow and need trained RETAIL MANAGERS and offer good employment and career prospects. But not only that. The RETAIL MANAGEMENT specialist will also have the way open in other important RETAIL jobs: Merchandiser, Department Manager, Store Manager, Category Management, Buyer. Excellent opportunities are then provided by Franchised distribution chains. Companies using this distribution model are very interested in figures trained in RETAIL MANAGEMENT to whom they entrust stores with their Format. Finally, not to be underestimated is the possibility of placement in companies producing goods and products. Having a solid preparation in RETAIL will give concrete tools to operate in the best way both to those who will have to deal with sales and to those who will deal with Marketing in any Company.

To whom is the Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management program aimed?

To young graduates, open-minded and who are always listening, ready to absorb information to process it in teams, to find the best solutions to try in the field! Young people able to take risks, responsibilities, with good negotiation and Problem Solving skills who know how to put the most important resource at the center of their activities: THE CUSTOMER

Claudio Testa

Marketing Director and commercial strategies, Biraghi

My company, Monnalisa, is on an important path of direct presence in the domestic market, but above all foreign, with opening of retail mono-brand, where the customer can immediately grasp and appreciate the mood of the product baby fashion, Declined in the refinement of fabrics and packaging, combined with an important fashion content. The students of the Master, since the first edition, contribute to the integration of the experienced company management, to the freshness of intellect and informative baggage that the students, I can affirm, prove to have acquired. I renew my deep awareness, that working on an advanced policy of retail and digital national and foreign, off line and on line, remains the key to the success of our companies distributive!

Piero Iacomoni

President, Monnalisa

We have activated since a couple of years the collaboration with students coming from the Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management. The mission of the Borgo Italia network, which is representative of a dozen Italian companies focused in the fashion and accessories sector, is to develop opportunities in exports to Far Eastern and American markets. Students after a short training period in Italy, are assigned to the various Borgo Italia desks around the world,to date Seoul, Chongqing and from early August 2015 New York. An important synergy between the business world and the world of students, well trained in the path of future managers

Lucia Fanfani

General Coordinator, Borgo Italia

Being part of a retail group with a national or international store network means seeking efficiency and excellence in every single store management and service KPI. It means actively belonging to a brand, making it your own and making the shopping experience unique in whatever role of the company you operate in. However, it means continuous training of new talents, who know how to constantly deal with the changes that the market imposes. Benetton since the first edition of the master's degree in Retail management at the University of Turin, has been lucky enough to actively participate in the training and mentoring of young people in the master's program who want to measure themselves and make a career in our company and our industry. The exchange with the University and with young people, is also a factor of growth and comparison for us, because it is also through them that we can evaluate our company in terms of positioning, recognition and employer branding. Finally, the moments of internship are a real opportunity to evaluate the entire school/work alternation process and for Benetton they represent a privileged moment to build part of the future generations of "retail" managers

Gianni Moscatelli

HR Director - Benetton

The Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management Master's degree is an excellent opportunity to confront the world of work and allows young people eager to learn to come into contact with entrepreneurs and companies that must take responsibility' to contribute to the formation of the managerial class of the future. The study of retail also makes it possible to concretely combine different functions that represent the backbone of companies ranging from sales to trade marketing, from category to supply chain, from layout architecture to personnel management, without forgetting the main actor of the whole process: the consumer

Umberto Sali

Sales Manager, Bahlsen Italia

Master Marketing Omnichannel Sales & Digital Management is an example of what I consider "a move on" from the traditional classic University: companies and students meet on regular basis to discuss practical business cases and to share experiences; most students have already significant working experiences; most students are fluent in English; internal professors joined hands with external business men to provide a full picture of the real "outside world"; it is a common practice to spend a few months in companies to develop new business studies

Massimo Ortelli

Managing Director, Passion Italy